I know that there...



In 2013 I cycled to London to exhibit Coastlines, an artist’s book about the coast of Schouwen-Duiveland. This coast, which lies opposite the mouth of the Thames 225 kilometers away and 81.9 degrees north, cannot be seen from England. My journey by bike and boat was slow making me very aware of the distances and the secrets behind the horizon.

When I returned home I began to wonder what lay beyond that horizon. Standing on top of a 42 meter high dune, latitude 51 degrees 42 minutes north, and longitude 3 degrees and 42 minutes east, I could see the sky touch the sea over an arc of 120 degrees. By dividing this into four equal sections I got five bearings: 255, 285, 315, 345 and 15 degrees. These bearings reach out over the North Sea and touch land on the other side at five unknown and unseen points on the British and Norwegian coast.:
1 Hope Point nearby St Margarets Bay, England
2 Shingle Street nearby Orford Ness, England
3 Hornsea, England
4 Breiwick Beach on the Island Whalsay, Scotland
5 At the coast of the Island Ullerøya, Norway

At first I wanted to keep my ideas unknown but after researching these unseen points on the internet I became curious to learn more about them.

In 2014 I went to all five places to see what I could find. I wanted to know how being somewhere allows you to experience a place in a much different way than researching it online. I was also curious to see the differences between each of the five landing points.

At each location, and through the internet, I met several people who helped me come to a greater understanding of their part of the coast.

There is a film about my visits on you tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRImgPdCmi4&t=521s

And 18 October 2015 there was the book presentation and the plaque on the piles row was unveiled
at the transition "Vuurtorenpad (51 ° 42 '45" N 3 ° 40' 51.50 "W )



View of the horizon from the starting point on Schouwen-Duiveland.




plaguette on the poles near the starting point




film about the whole project




along the way
plywood, c-print and a jigsaw
format longest side 80 cm.




the distance to the five landing points


the five landing points








ik weet dat daar... / de Noordzee daartussen I know that there... /The North Sea between
c-print on paper
2 times 59 x 42 cm


from top to bottom
Ullerøya, Hornsea, Shingle Street, Hope Point and Whalsay



on Shingle Street
charcoal andc-print
format 2 times 64 x 48 cm.

on Ullerøya
charcoal andc-print
format 2 times 64 x 48 cm.


ik weet dat daar..I know that there.
c-print, cryon and cut outs in and on paper
61 x 86 cm




The North Sea observed from the five landing points
10 times 45 x 65 cm.



over the North sea to the five landings points
five times 43 x 108 cm.
c-print and water on paper



Hope Point

Shingle Street



with thanks to Stichting Stokroos 

